Watch Our Santol, La Union Adventure Mini Vlog by Robin Karl Rimando

Our Santol, La Union Adventure
Recently, our dance troupe, "The 2600 Moonwalkers," embarked on an unforgettable journey to Santol, La Union, Philippines. Our destination? The Municipal Town Plaza, where we were slated to perform for the birthday celebration of none other than Engineer and Mayor Magno Wailan. What followed was a day filled with dance, surprises, and unexpected adventures.

Our day began bright and early as we departed from Baguio City at the crack of dawn, around 5 am. After a scenic journey, we arrived in Santol at 8 am, ready to hit the ground running. With little time to spare, we immediately set to work, preparing our costumes, doing makeup, and fine-tuning our routines in anticipation of the 10 am showtime.

As the clock struck 10, we took to the stage at the Municipal Town Plaza, ready to dazzle the crowd with our moves. The energy was palpable as we performed five electrifying song and dance numbers, each one met with cheers and applause from the delighted audience. It was a thrill to see the joy on the faces of the spectators as they danced along and snapped selfies with us backstage after the show.

But the excitement didn't end there. In a truly unexpected turn of events, Mayor Wailan invited us to explore his collection of antiques and firearms after the performance. We were treated to a private tour of his treasures, including a fascinating array of old artifacts and weaponry. It was a surreal experience handling the antique rifles and guns, feeling their weight and imagining the history behind each one.

After our brush with history, we were treated to a well-deserved break and a delicious lunch. But the fun didn't stop there. Mayor Wailan graciously invited us to unwind at his private swimming pool, where we enjoyed a refreshing dip and some much-needed bonding time as a team. It was a brief respite from our hectic schedule, but one that we cherished nonetheless.

As the sun began to set on our adventure-filled day, we bid farewell to Santol and Mayor Wailan's hospitality, making our way back to Baguio City. Despite the long hours and the whirlwind of activities, we couldn't help but feel grateful for the memories we had created and the connections we had forged.

Our trip to Santol, La Union was truly a day to remember. From the thrill of performing for Mayor Wailan's birthday celebration to the unexpected delights of exploring his antique collection, it was an adventure that exceeded all expectations. But perhaps most importantly, it was a reminder of the power of dance to bring people together and create lasting memories. As we journeyed back to Baguio City, we couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the experiences we had shared and the bonds we had formed. Until next time, Santol, La Union, thank you for the memories.

Here's another POV of Our Santol, La Union Adventure by Franz Floyd Lambino

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